Our Business

Railway Construction Management

Railway Construction management Department with accumulated know-hows, experience and capability over decades

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Major Businesses

- Construction management business
Preparation for operational plan, construction procedure / management of project management information system / management of total cost and life cycle cost on different levels of the project
- Before design stage
Review of Feasibility study and fundamental planning report / support for making a decision of project delivery method / project schedule establishment
- Preliminary design stage
support and adjustment of selection of designers / verification and adjustment of the budget, economic analysis and evaluation, performance review of consultancy service for preliminary design, support for consultation between licensing organs and the organs concerned
- Detailed design stage
support and adjustment of selection of designers / VE and performance review / support and management of technical committee meeting / support for the selection of constructor
- Construction stage
Design drawings, data, environment and present condition analysis / quality, safety, environment, civil complaint and event management / support for pre-delivery inspection and management system

The Department of Railway Construction Management is one of SOOSUNG's the greatest strengths with close collaboration with the Department of Railway & Metro that share the history of SOOSUNG since its inception of business.
Our role as the Engineer, we priotize our aim to prevent faulty construction and improve the quality of all infrastructures and facilities that we are engaged, in accordance with the Construction Technology Promotion Act. And we have been recording superb track records in the realm of Construction Management (including Railways, Metros, Depots and Etc.) with approximately 120 of professional staff exerting ceaseless endeavor to implement and reach perfection in Quality Assurance and Process & Safety Management.